Monday, May 21, 2018

Ma'rifah, Tarbiyyah and the Tijani Faydah


Asaalam Alaykum Sidi,

What is Ma'rifah and did it exist before the Faydah Tijaniyyah?

Why did the Faydah appear in this age at the hands of Shaykh Ibahim Niasse (RA) and not before?

Did Tarbiyah exist before Shaykh Ibrahim (RA)?

I took Tariqah from a follower of Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) but am now being confused about these issues.

Please elaborate.


Wa Alaykum As-Salam dear brother,

The term “Ma’rifah” has many meanings and levels. For the most part in the history of Sufism, this has referred to the Direct Experiential Knowledge of Allah.

This Ma’rifah of Allah existed among most of the great Awliya of this Ummah, though not all (as some were Awliyabut not Arifin, and this is possible as indicated by Shaykh Ibrahim in the Jawahir).

Thereafter is the Ma’rifah of the Reality of the Prophet (SAW). This also existed before the Tariqah Tijaniyyah but was rare and lacking in certain aspects.

Both these levels were found among the great saints of the Tijani Path and among many followers also. In addition, they also tasted some of the Ma’rifah of the Hadrat Khatm al-Wilayah and what it entails. However, a lot of them would only achieve this Fat’h at the ends of their lives.

Nevertheless, the whole matter was hidden and limited to an elect few before the appearance of the Grand Faydahat the hands of Shaykh Ibrahim Abd-Allah (RA). With his appearance as Sahib al-Faydah al-Tijaniyyah and Imam al-Tarbiyah al-Ahmadiyyah, the oceans of Ma’rifah started overflowing and submerging every Talib,

Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) himself said:

حملت سر خاتم الولاية
جمعت بين الذوق والدارية

ففاض مني سره فلا احد
يقصدني ما عرف الله الصمد

سواء الذكران والنسوان
سواء الصعلوك و السلطان

ومرة اخري ترون عجبا
من فيضة الختم امام النجبا

وذاك كله فيضة التجاني
مدد مصطفي الوري العدناني

وذاك كلا منة المنان
احمده في السر والاعلان

اوجدني حقا لجبر الكسر
فانني وكيل سر السر

Hamaltu Sirra Khatam al-Wilayah

Jama’tu Bayna ’d-Dhawqi wa’d-Dirayah

Faada minni Siruhu fala Ahad            

Yaqsuduni; ma Araf Allah al-Samad

Sawa’un iz-Dhukranu wa ’n-Niswanu

Sawa’un as-Sa’luku wa ’s-Sultanu

Wa Dhaka Kullan Faydat al-Tijani

Madadu Mustafa ’l-Wara ’l-Adnani

Wa Marratan Ukhra Tarawna Ajaba

 Min Faydhi Dha’l-Khatmi Imam al-Nujaba

Wa Dhaka Kulluh Faydat al-Tijani

Madadi Mustafa ’l-Wara ’l-Adnani

Wa Dhaka Kullan Minnat al-Mannani

Ahmaduhu fi’ s-Sirri wa ’l-I’lani

Awjadani Haqqan li-Jabri’ l-Kasri

Fa-innani Wakilu Sirri ’s-Sirri

I carried the Secret of the Seal of the Saints (Ahmad al-Tijani)

I combined in me both Experiential Knowledge and the Rational One

Then from me overflowed His Secret, so there is no one…

Who follows me and does not Know Allah, the Self-Sufficient

Whether they be Males or Females

Whether they be servants or King (i.e. they will all know Allah)

And once again you will see amazing matters

From the Fayd of this Seal (of Saints), the Leader of the Chosen (Masters)

And all of that is the Faydah of the (Shaykh Ahmad) al-Tijani
The Assistance of the Chosen One from (the tribe) of Adnan (The Prophet SAW)

And all of that is the Gift of the Generous Lord!
I Praise Him in private and public

Indeed, He Created Me to bridge the Gap (between God and His Creation)
For, I am the Vice-regent of the Secret of the Secret

Not only was Ma’rifah proliferated to every single Talibe; the level and quality of this Ma’rifah was higher than anything experienced before. Baye (RA) himself mentioned in the Kashif al-Ilbas that the Ma'rifah and Fat'h that proliferated amongst the Talibes on his hands was unprecedented in the Tariqah Tijaniyyah before him. The secrets of theHaqa’iq and the Hadarat opened for the Men of the Faydah in a way that dazzled everyone. Besides the First 3 Realities I mentioned earlier, further Realities and Ma’arif opened up that were not known to none before.

I give you one example. Shaykh al-Sharif Sidi al-Hadi bin Mawlud Fal (RA) was the learned grandson of the great Khalifah Sidi Mawlud Fal (RA) from his father’s side and of Sidna Shaykh Muhammad al-Hafiz (RA) from his mother’s side. He was also destined to be Khalifah of the Tijaniyyah in Mauritania.

Yet, when the Faydah appeared, he traveled to Kaolack to Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) to check out the matter for himself. This is what he wrote about the Talibes of Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) thereafter in his famous letter (published as Irshad al-Sadah):

وأدناهم مشهدا لا يلحق به مشاهد أكابر التيجانيين سواهم وما شهدنا إلا بما علمنا

“And the Spiritual Experiential Insight of the highest ranking Tijanis outside of the Faydah do not come close to the Spiritual Experiential Insight of the lowest of Shaykh Ibrahim’s Talibes. And I do not testify to except that which I have seen myself. ”

An eminent Nigerian Khalifah of Kano, Mallam Tijjani bin Uthman (RA) also wrote the same about the Sahib al-Faydah and his disciples:

صاح عج نحو الهمام

ذي الفيوضات السوامي

ذوق أدنى صحبه قد

فاق أذواق العظام

Sahi ‘Ujja Nahwa ’l-Humami

Dhi’l- Fuyudati ’s-Sawami
   Dhawqa Adna Sahbihi Qad

Faqa Adhwaqa ’l-Izami

O My friend! Travel to the Noble One (Shaykh Ibrahim)

The Possessor of lofty Spiritual Emanations

Indeed, the Spiritual Level of his smallest disciples

Surpasses the levels of the great saints

Note that the above-mentioned poem was presented to Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) and he approved of it, orally and by pen.

As Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) himself said praising the Gnostic Men of Allah among his Tijanite disciples in Medina-Baye:

لأنها مظهر فيض الخاتم

فيها رجال ذوقهم كالحاتمي

Li-annaha Mazharu Faydi ’l-Khatimi

Fiha Rijalun Dhawquhum ka’l-Hatimi

Because it is the Manifestation of the Faydah of the Seal (of Saints)

In it are Men whose Spiritual Tastes are like that of al-Hatimi (i.e. Ibn-Arabi)

And as Mawlana Shaykh Hassan Cisse (RA) stated and quoted Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) in the International Tijani Conference in Fez, Morocco in 2007:

وإنى بحمد الله أعرف زهاء عشرة ملايين من المسلمين إعتنقوا هذه الطريقة بواسطتنا، وعددا أوفر منهم كانوا قبل إتصالهم بنا كفارا وعبدة أصنام ومسيحيين وعددا أوفر منهم أدرك الفتح ومعرفة الله بالشهود والعيان لابالدليل والبرهان

“And I - and all praise is for Allah - know of tens of millions of Muslims who took this Tariqah through me; and even more who were unbelievers, idol-worshippers and Christians before coming in contact with us; and even more who attained the Opening (of the Knowledge of Allah) through witnessing and beholding (the Presence of Allah) without any proof and reasoning.”

As for your questions about WHY?

There is only one Answer. It is ALLAH”S GRACE. That’s all. No ifs and buts here.

Shaykh Ahmad Tijani (RA) said:

لو اطلع أكابر العارفين على ما أعد الله لأصحابي لبكوا وقالوا ربنا ما أعطيتنا شيئا

“If the greatest Saints of this Ummah knew what Allah has granted me and my followers, they will cry and say: O Allah You gave us nothing.”

Why did the Qutb al-Maktum (RA) get such a Maqam in Wilayah?


Why did Shaykh Ibrahim get this Maqam of disseminating Ma’rifah?


Why did sinners like us of the last ages, attain this gift of the Faydah?


Why do others in Islam or in the Tariqah don’t have it?


As the Allah Almighty Himself states in the Blessed Qur’an:

ذلك فضل الله يؤتيه من يشاء و الله ذو الفضل العظيم

Dhalika Fadlu ’lLahi Yutihi Man Yasha! Wa’Llahu Dhu’l-Fadli ’l-Azim!

That is the Grace of Allah! He grants it to whomsoever He wishes! And He is the Possessor of Unlimited Grace!

This is the Path of Grace. Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) starts his poem Ruh al-Adab by describing the Tariqah Tijaniyyah with these words:

طريق محض الفضل و الرضوان

اسس على السنة و القرآن


                          The Path of Pure Grace and Pleasure (of Allah)                         
Established firmly on the Sunnah and the Qur’an

We should just thank Allah immensely and not question His Gifts. Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) wrote in one letter to his first Talibes (Jawahir al-Ras'ail, p.8):

و اعلموا أنكم يلزمكم حمد الله و شكره حيث جعلكم من السابقين الأولين من أهل هذه الفيضة

و لكن لا ثقعدو ا و لا تميلوا الى الراحة فإن من ورائكم قوماً أتوا بعدكم و إن تقاصرتم في اداء حقوق مولاكم

يسبقوكم و ذلك و العياذ بالله غاية الخسران

“And know that it is neccesary for you to thank Allah and praise Him for making you of the foremost men of the Faydah. So do not relax and rest, for behind you are many others who have come after you - and if you fail to fulfill your duties towards your Lord (of gratefullness) - they will overtake you. And that is the ultimate loss, may Allah protect us".

Know also that this Knowledge of the Ma’rifah is also finished and taken away by Allah from those so-called tijanis who fought Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) and the Faydah and continue to do so, because fighting him is fighting Shaykhuna al-Tijani (RA), for he had said:

   و هذا العبد الفقير باب الشيخ التجاني من قبلناه قبله و من رددناه رده

“And this poor Slave is the Door of Shaykh Ahmad al-Tijani (RA). Whoever I accept, Shaykh Ahmad Tijani accepts, and whoever I reject, Shaykh Ahmad Tijani rejects”.

And know also that Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) writes in the Kashif al-Ilbas about the reasoning for this Faydah to appear in these last ages:

"والحكمة فى ظهور هذه الفيضة فى هذا الزمان الفاسد, ضعف الإيمان فى قلوب الناس وكثرة الفرق الضالة و المضلة وهذه الأمة مرحومة فأفيضت إليهم المعارف والحقائق كى يرجعوا لأهل فطرة الإيمان"

(كاشف الألباس)

“The wisdom in the emergence of the Faydah in this age of corruption is the weakness of Faith in the hearts of people as well as the abundance of misguided sects that are misguiding others. However, this Ummah has been endowed with Mercy (from Allah), therefore, the (divine) Sciences and Realities (of Allah) were poured on them (through the Faydah), so that they may return to the natural state of Iman”.

And as Mawlana Shaykh Hassan Cisse (RA) said in his above mentioned speech:

فكان من فضل الله على أهل هذه الطريقة وبقاء السريان المدد فيها أن ظهرت الفيضة التجانية مصداقا لقول الشيخ التجانى رضى الله عنه

“Consequently, from the Blessings of Allah on the people of this Tariqah, (and a proof) of the continuation of the flow of spiritual grace in it, was the emergence of al-Faydah al-Tijaniyyah (the Tijani ‘Flood’); a fulfillment of the prediction made by al-Shaykh (Ahmad) al-Tijani”

ولاغرو فى دوام سريان هذا المدد ونحن نتيقن أن الشيخ التجانى هو ممد الأولياء والعارفين لايشرب ولى ولايسقى إلا من بحره

“There is nothing surprising about the continuing flow of this Spiritual Grace (of the Tijaniyyah), if we are firmly convinced that al-Shaykh (Ahmad) al-Tijani is the ultimate provider (of spiritual knowledge) for all the saints and knowers (of Allah) and no saint drinks (of the spiritual knowledge) and is given drink except from his ocean.”

Read the entire speech on our website:

The matter is clear. It is Allah’s Choice, whether anyone likes it or not.

When Sidna Rasul-Allah (SAW) appeared with Islam, both; his people, the Quraysh, and the foreign Jews fought him.

His people fought him out of an undermining of their own brother, and the Jews fought him because he did not appear from their chosen race and place.

 The same goes with every Complete Inheritor of the Rasul (SAW). He must face the Quraysh and the Yahud.

 As for your question about Tarbiyah:

Well, know that extra recitation of Adhkar with special permission (besides the Wirds and the Wazifah) has always been part of the practice of the Tijani Tariqah, especially the blessed Salat al-Fatih. We read in Shaykh Sukayrij’s book Kashf al-Hijab:

و كان سيدي العربي الأشهب رضي الله عنه يذكر كل يوم من صلاة الفاتح لما أغلق عشرة آلاف مرة

 (كشف الحجاب عمن تلاقى مع الشيخ التجاني من الأصحاب)

“And Sidi al-Arabi bin al-Ash-hab (a companion of Shaykh al-Tijani) used to recite 10,000 Salat al-Fatih daily”

The great Sidi Akansus (RA) of Morocco also used to prescribe the recitation of the Name “Allah Allah Allah” in Seclusion to Tijani disciples in order to attain the Ma’rifah of Allah. The details of the number and process is mentioned by Shaykh Sukayrij (RA) in his book Raf al-Niqab, Vol 2, p.131.

One reads in the biographies of many Tijani sainst before Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) that "And he used to spiritually train his disciples through the recitation of Salat al-Fatih" و كان يربي بصلاة الفاتح

So the matter is clear. Tarbiyah through Salat al-Fatih and Dhikr did exist before Shaykh Ibrahim (RA).

Hoewever, it was Allah’s Decision that the ultimate benefits of Tarbiyah proliferate through Shaykh Ibrahim (RA). We submit to it and do not question it.

I will post a detailed message on Tarbiyah soon In Sha Allah as well!

We pray that Allah keeps us all steadfast through His Mercy, Amin bi-Jahi ’l-Habib (SAW).

Was Salam,

Servant of the Tijani Door

Fakhruddin al-Tijani al-Ibrahimi

Sunday, May 20, 2018


"I saw the Prophet (SAW) in my sleep, and told him about the practice of holding celebratory feasts on the day of his birth and he replied, “If someone rejoices in us, we rejoice in him!"

Shaykh Abū Mūsā al-Zarhūnī (RTA)

Remake of Salah

It is reported in the "Kashf al-Hijab" (Lifting up of the veils on the people who met Sidna Shaykh Ahmad Tijani) of the Qadi Ahmad Sukayrij.

That at times he would tell his dark skinned student Sidi Ali Tamasini al-Hassani (RTA), who would at times visit the urban city of Fez from the Bedouin east of the Algerian Sahara, to lead Salah.

After one particular prayer where Sidi Ali Tamasini (RTA) was told by his teacher to lead the Salah. Instantly, after the prayer concluded with 'Salam' of Ali Tamasini (RTA). Shaykh Ahmad Tijani turned around pointing to three of his other students saying "You, You, and You stand and make your Salah again." The three he pointed to while in Salah later admitted during the prayer led by Ali Tamasini that their hearts were murmuring racial remarks. "Who is this dark man coming from the rural area leading many of the top scholars in Fez in Salah." Shaykh Ahmad Tijani (RTA) by insight saw this illness of the heart within ordering them to remake their prayers. Ali Tamasini due to his bedouin accent when he recited 'wa ladhaaleen ' ض which is with a strong DH he would recite saying 'wa ladaaaleen د with the soft D. The students of Shaykh Ahmad Tijani would ask "is such prayer valid"? He would answer "all prayers of a man of opening (Fat'h) [victory] are accepted".

Ali Tamasini was a bedouin sharif (descendant of the Prophet Muhammad [SAW] through the latter's grandson Hassan (AS). He was of a dark complexion and was known for his youthful sainthood already, even before
meeting Shaykh Tijani.


* Ali Tamasini (RTA) use to cover the distance between Algeria and Morocco in just one single step, with the phenomenon known as Tay al-Ard.


Al-Haj Sidi al-Haj Omar al-Futi (d. 1279/1864) says in “Kitab Rima'h al-Hizb al Rahim ala Nuhur Hizb ar-Rajim (The Spears of the League of the Merciful thrown at the Necks of the League of the Accursed): O my brother, may Allah Most High enable us and you to accomplish what He loves and finds pleasing. You should know that the people of this Ahmedi Mohammedi Ibrahimi 'Hanifi Tijani Path are beloved and accepted in whatever situation they may be, so long as they do not detach themselves from the Path, and do not wear the garb of security from the cunning (makr) of Allah Most High.

The Companion of our Master, Sharif Sidi Mohammed al-Ghali Abu Talib al-Idrissi al-Hassani (“d. 1244/1829 in Mecca”; may Allah be pleased with him), has informed me (in Mecca) that one of the companions of the Shaykh Abil Abbas Tijani (may Allah be pleased with him) was sitting in one of the mosques of Fez (may Allah the Exalted keep that city safe from everything harmful), and one of the jurists (fuqaha') was by his side. The jurist said to the companion of the Shaykh (may Allah be pleased with him): "You people inhabit the mosques with your bodies, but you do not inhabit them with your hearts!" The companion of the Shaykh (may Allah be pleased with him) responded to this by saying: "We are beloved and accepted in whatever situation we may be!" But then he felt afraid of this utterance, so he returned to Shaykh Ahmad Tijani (may Allah be pleased with him) in a state of fear and dread, worried about himself, and told him the whole story. Shaykh Ahmad Tijani (may Allah be pleased with him) said to him: "Yes, you are indeed beloved and accepted in whatever situation you may be. Did you not tell him? 'We are beloved and accepted in whatever situation we may be, in spite of your disdain!'"

Open Mind

Keep an open mind about people. It is better to see someone as a friend of God and in reality they are found to be a hypocrite. Rather than to see someone as a hypocrite but in reality they are a friend of God.

~ Shaykh Hasan Cisse (RTA)

Saturday, May 19, 2018

The Maqam

“Sidi Ahmed Abdellawi (may Allah be pleased with him) told me (Shaykh Ahmad Sukayrij) that Sidi Mohammed ibn al-Arabi Damrawi Tazi (may Allah be pleased with him; d. 1210/1795) wrote Sidna Shaykh Tijani (may Allah be pleased with him) a letter in which he revealed him that he saw a station that was between Prophethood and the Qutbaniya but it was not inheritable and reserved to one person in this community. He acknowledged that he envied that station but he didn’t dare to ask it to the Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) in case that station wasn’t reserved for him and fearing to lose everything. 

Indeed, he was informed that it was reserved for Sidna Shaykh (may Allah be pleased with him), that’s why he went to inform him about this huge favour. Sidi Mohammed Ibn Arabi Damrawi Tazi (may Allah be pleased with him) asked Sidna Shaykh (may Allah be pleased with him) to give him, as for a reward to the good news, the merit of ten times of the Greatest Name (al-Ism al-'Adham), ten times of Salat al-Fatih and ten times the reward of the “Key of Poleship” (Miftah al-Qutbaniya). He asked it because he noticed that a single invocation of Sidna Shaykh (may Allah be pleased with him) was beyond what his ancestors, his sons and him could have done for seventy years.”


The equitable Imam and saint, Muhammad Bello ibn Uthman Dan Fodio informed me one day that he wished to ask Allah for good fortune and to look after my best interests. It happened to him once that he heard a person say: "The Prophet says to you: "You should know that the affairs of Umar ibn Sa'id are in my hand. I manage them for him and have not neglected them."

~ Rimah of Shaykh Umar al-Futi